
What you can do daily against your cellulite

There are so many tips and advice what can be done against cellulite. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, reduce stress and massage are just a few. What can I do about my cellulite daily? Here are a few tips and suggestions how to do daily a few things for tighter legs and thighs.


If you shower every morning, then plan a just a few minutes more. Give some attention to your thighs and accustomed to massage it gently during the shower. You can use special firming shower gel or anti cellulite Scrubs to strengthen the tightening effect of the massage.

Next, you can do something against your cellulite at breakfast: prepare yourself a nice herbal tea, such as nettle tea or a horsetail tea. Both seem draining on the body and the connective tissue. The food should take to complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and unsweetened cereals. These foods are helpful against cellulite.
In the small morning break, fruits helps (bananas, apples, oranges) against hunger. And before going to lunch, drink 2 glasses of water. This holds for a tight skin, important lymph flow and helps to take less food.

Most of us are sitting most of the time while working. Here too, odds and ends help to do something against the cellulite. At least once per hour, you can make a conscious break to do some stretching. This brings back in swing your lymph circulation and cellulite deposits can be prevented. Make sure that you wear not too tight clothing because this impedes the blood and lymphatic circulation.


No matter how much you work on the desktop, for bad and unhealthy food it is no excuse.  If possible plan in advance, what and where you want to eat. So you may worry more about healthy nutrition. As you must go lunch fast and you think of just the food around the corner. If possible, then you must bring your own food from home. Healthy salad or vegetable soup recipes are hundreds and you can prepare it by yourself. So you don't fall into the Fast Food trap. If you have more time than you need to eat, use those minutes to move in the fresh air. Sounds trite, but to provide your cells with oxygen and to bring the lymphatic circulation going again it's helpful trick.
This is best cure for cellulite


After work, you can prepare for the next day by buying fruits, vegetables and water on the way of home. At best it would be of course, if it is possible to ride a bicycle, then you would have done something against your cellulite in addition.

Now separate half-an-hour of your daily routine time to move. Whether you go jogging, swimming, cycling, walking, or a dance lesson take (or at home, 30 minutes to your favorite music dance) is no matter. Mainly in the fight against your cellulite is important so long and regularly move. Also your health will thank you, not just your taut thighs. If you can join with one or more girlfriends which is a big advantage because they can motivate each other. And the regularity is a big key for firm connective tissue.

celluliteEat not too late in the evening, in order to not disturb your night's sleep. Also regular, good and restful sleep is a big milestone in the fight against cellulite. There is more and more evidence that stress is a significant cause of the expression of cellulite. And among other late night shows are stressful for the body and fall asleep when running TV. Turn off the TV at least half an hour before you go to sleep. Even if it is a big change, it's worth! Try it.
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