
Top 5 steps to remove fat on the legs

To lose fat on the legs helps you to improve the overall appearance of your legs. Fortunately, less fat on the legs means less cellulite. But not only the look of the legs improved at the same time with the fat acceptance you reduce the risk of a cardiovascular or diabetes disease.

If you want to get rid of the fat on the legs and remove, you should allow 1 lost kilos weight per week. That sounds may be little, but if you lose too much weight too quickly you hurt your body more than you get benefit. Especially your skin suffers from this and will limp rather than firm. And the cellulite problem will remain. Also be set by the exercising muscle. These new muscles crowd out the fat. Regardless of whether you take off care for the health or the slim silhouette, fat on the legs flourishing. In any case, you need a good diet, cardio training and special exercises, which specifically require for shaping the legs.

Step1: Dieting

diet foodAmong others the diet is the key of to get smoother and firmer skin on the legs. You'll  not get good results if you do not take consciously healthy feed. Ensure your feed is so varied (lots of vegetables, fruit, margeres meat and fish) with possible calorie and low in fat. You must delete excessively fatty and sugary foods from the your diet.  And also measure your food portions. Many people have become accustomed to too big portions and eat as many times more than they actually need. If you eat more calories per day than your body needs, it will convert to fat. And that makes the cellulite problem in stomach, legs and buttocks.

Step2: Cardio Training

Make every 30 to 60 minutes cardio training per week in 4-5 days. The cardio exercise causes the body to burn fat and it speeds slimming. Most suitable exercise are: bike riding, inline skating, jogging or hiking, because those sports the leg muscles are especially required.

Step3:  Squats

squatsMake slow squats, 2 to 3 times a week. Lunges and squats are the best exercises for tight thigh. Now bend the knees and at the same time keep just the back as possible. As you would want to sit down very slowly on a Chair, do so. The position hold for about 15 seconds and set up again slowly. Repeat 10 times the whole thing at the beginning. Try to increase up to 50 times. By taking a train with a dumbbell, increase the training level .

Step4: Lunges

lungesDo lunges, 2 to 3 times a week. The legs hip width apart, then take a step forward with your right leg and go to its knees are bent up both legs at a right angle. Then you step with your right leg back to the starting position. Now, the other leg is off.  Make 10 leg repetitions and increase again to 50 times. To achieve also the lateral muscles of the legs, the lunges alternating run, also with side legs left and right. While doing Lunges, always ensure that your knees and your leg form a right angle and slide not the knees over the toes. For better practice do lunges in front of a mirror. Then you can check your legs and your posture better.

Step5: More Tips

A great exercise in daily routine to burn fat on the legs: Bypassing each elevator and use always the stairs. Or get off one or two bus or train stations earlier and run the rest of the way. Sounds trite but very effective, if you do this regularly.
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