
Does the pill weaken the connective tissue?

Many contraceptives such as the pill containing the female sex hormone estrogen. This estrogen increases the size of connective tissue (taking pills during pregnancy or when estrogen during menopause). That is why skin loses softness, stretchy and elasticity. The skin is prepared on the pregnancy in which it must be strongly expanded. In addition, estrogen's cause growth of subcutaneous (underneath the skin) fat deposits. In the modern micro pills, estrogen is very low doses and hormone is no longer included in the Minipillen.

estrogenEstrogen's are formed in the ovaries and the precursors of the hormone of the adrenal cortex. The conversion of precursors takes place in the fat cells of subcutaneous tissue. Thus, under hormonal influences fat cells to swell and stand out under the skin. Fat cells are the size of a pinhead in the normal state. If they are inflated, they can reach even the size of a bean. Cellulite is not a disease but an unwanted cosmetic effect.

What can you do about it?

Taking a pill without estrogen is the prevention of stress to prevent the swelling of subcutaneous fat cells. Also lymph drainage, special massages and wrap therapies can have positive effects in the beauty salon. A change of diet has a positive effect on a balanced fat. For this purpose take low-sugar diet. Exercise, daily massage of the affected areas of skin with a massage brush and the application of anti cellulite creams are also supportive in the fight against the orange peel.

Hope you understand:)
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