
Four main causes of cellulite

The cellulite is not created and visible on the skin for exactly one reason. Most people know it now. It is a highly complex interaction in the body. That is why it is also so difficult to get rid of the unsightly dimples again. To become still better in the fight against cellulite, I have put together here again the four main causes and trigger:

Want to know about cellulite Read this

1. Genes and inheritance genes have crucial identify with how big is the chance to develop in the course of the life of cellulite. Also it is primarily a female problem and affects about 90% of all women.

cellulite2. Cellulite causes by taking diet medicines pills, sleeping pills and tablets (so-called diuretics). And anti baby pill is the main cause of cellulite because it has mostly a high concentration of estrogen. In turn, this leads to increased water retention in the body. And body can't be prevented the waste products or slag no longer sufficiently. So they are parked the slag in the fat cells and become larger and larger until they become visible as cellulite. For best cure for cellulite try to avoid these things.

3. Crash and increase diets get the risk of cellulite or worse. Because with a crash diet your body gets the feeling that he would have go to hungry soon. The result is that your body increasingly produces cravings for the unhealthy saturated fat. And exactly these fats are particularly conducive to the formation of cellulite. Unfortunately, this unhealthy fat is deposited in the arteries and cells and obstruct a sufficient excretion of waste products from the body. For starts then back to normal, one then want to eat much more for keep the body fat because he wants to arm himself for the next hunger route. Actually a clever invention of nature, which in the past of the real famine had his permission but today is no longer necessary.

4. Another good step is to quit smoking if you have a habit of this. Because you are destroyed absolutely necessary connective tissue cells for a crisp appearance of the skin by smoking. And that are not only confined to the skin of the buttocks and thighs. Smokers are generally seen much earlier with a drooping appearance of the skin all over his body. So does something for you and your beauty - stop smoking!

Follow this 4 cellulite cures steps and stay away from the risk of Cellulite.
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